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2009-11-10 - 10:05 a.m.

I thought I'd enjoy myself in New York but I had no idea I'd love the city so much!
I didn't realise just how much I'd feel at home there. I loved the service in the shops and restaurants, I enjoyed bantering with the people I never felt lost or overwhelmed.
Of course everything looked familiar because pretty much everything has been in some movie or other. I guess having spent time in London and in Durban has toughened me up a bit and made it possible for me to fit right in in NY.

We did all the touristy things like the ferry ride to the Statue of Liberty and going up the Rockefeller Center. We even went to MoMa and did three city tours on the double decker busses.

I flew over with 9kgs of luggage and got back with 22,6kgs! We did so much shopping! But I've been wearing all my new things, none of it was extravagant and I'm loving every item. It also gave me the chance to buy Christmas presents for my family.

Back to the Greg story you've all been waiting for:
As you might remember I left off when Greg and I stayed up all night in the villa in Domaso on Lake Como chatting.
We were in our separate beds in the same room and we pretty much spoke about anything and everything. How we see relationships, what we think about the direction society is going, what films we're into, what books, what schooling we've done, what we want from life, what countries we've seen and which ones we still want to see. At some point I heard a beeping and it turned out to be his alarm which had been set for 7.30!
We spent the day apart because I went for the kite surfing course but later on we all met up and Greg and I played a bit of basketball together. At dinner we were seated next to each other. Because we were too many people in the appartment we had run out of plates and some of us were eating from salad plates whereas others had to share cutlery. When Greg saw how full my (tiny salad) plate was, he said that he'd help if I couldn't finish my meal. As usual my mouth got away with me and I answered that I could easily eat what was on his (massive) plate. So he swapped plate and watched with amazement as I polished off every thing on it! We had bet that the looser takes the winner out for dinner.
We spent most of our time chatting with others but I think we were both listening in on what the other was saying. The evening was great and we ended it by playing a few rounds of "never" which made me look like some floozy but hey, I wasn't going to lie.
We all went to bed rather late but Greg and I got chatting while waiting in front of the bathroom. Even after all the others had finished in the bathroom we were still chatting. We couldn't go into our room because there were two more sleeping in there that night. After a while I sent him into the bathroom and got changed in the room. When he got out I went in and when I got out I found him sitting on his bed. I couldn't just climb into my bed without saying anything, I felt so close to this man, I felt like I knew him inside out. I loved his ideas, his thoughts, I didn't just want to leave off the conversation. So I walked over to him, wished him good night and gave him a very soft, pristine kiss on his lips. Then I walked away and climbed into my bed.
He then suprised me by digging around in his stuff and coming over to climb into my bed. I had a real shock when I noticed he was holding a condom and quickly told him that we wouldn't be needing that tonight!
We spent that night kissing, stroking and most of the time - talking. We continued talking and talking some more. We couldn't get enough of each others opinions on different topics. It was magical.

More next time - promise

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