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2009-11-17 - 11:06 a.m.

To finish up with the Greg story:
After our magical kissing and chatting session we spent most of our day with the others just hanging out and acting as if nothing had changed between us. It was only the two of us in the car most of the time though so we still had a lot of time to chat.
It's amusing to suddenly find yourself giddy as a teenager. Holding hands while driving was exciting and a stolen kiss our touch was electrifying.

When I dropped him off at Lena's Greg came back out to see me off and asked if he'd see me again. I told him I'd really like that and we kissed and hugged and I waved goodbye as I drove off into the night.

We spent the following two weeks chatting on skype and occasionally calling each other. Our phone bills are massive but it's well worth it. We don't run out of things to say.

Greg had already planned to be back in Switzerland soon because Lena, Jude and Greg were going to go hiking together so I knew he'd be back on the 3rd of October. I was working at the Zurich Film Festival again and knew I'd have the 2nd of October off. So he arrived on the first and met me after my shift and we spent the next week together because Lena kept cancelling.

Instead of being with me for two days and hiking for a week, he ended up staying with me for one and a half weeks. My parents weren't thrilled with having him over in the first place ("what? you've spent two days with this guy and already you want him to stay in your room?!") but they were rather upset with his prolonged stay. He handled it really well though and went straight to my mum when Lena cancelled. He apologized and said that he felt really bad. She forgave him straight away and I think he's in her good books.

At the end of his stay I went back to Frankfurt with him (we caught a lift with one of my friends) and I spent two days there. Frankfurt is a nice city with skyscrapers and we spent our days wandering around. I went back on the train.

Shortly after I went to New York and when I got back I spent the week at home sorting things out. On Saturday my parents left for South Africa and Greg turned up an hour later :-)

We've been spending the past two weeks together at my house, cooking together, living together like a normal couple. It's lovely the way he clears up after dinner and loads the dishwasher. It's sweet the way he smiles at me in the morning and we often make love before we get up. We have had arguments but it seems to be part of getting to know each other because we both heed what the other said and try to do our best not to hurt each other. He's a Virgo and is hyper sensitive and I've got low self esteem and tend to take his quips the wrong way.

I'm in love and it seems to be big this time.

More next time xxx

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